Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Good Morning Honduras Day 4

A good night sleep again, went to bed late because I wanted to try and keep up with my posting.

I have stated do I really know why I am here? We do something each night called reflections; you do not have to talk or share your thoughts but it is a great way to share your inner feelings. The saying about Vegas “what is done in Vegas stays in Vegas”, well that should hold true for here. I can share with you my thoughts but the thoughts of others I will respect.

One of the nice things about this process is the sharing of thoughts. One team member might make a comment on their observation or feeling that you might not have thought at all or viewed from that point of view.

The insight my team members have is great and Matt(our I.S. Leader) does a wonderful job of just waiting long enough to see if people will speak or share our thoughts.

For me I do feel I know why God has me here at this place right now in my life.

My life is in flux in many ways.

My oldest son is in his last year at law school (Wayne State). Just got done with a great internship at a large law firm and now he has to think where his next step is going to be.

I feel helpless at times because I am not in control or cannot control the situation.
I am not a lawyer or a professional so what he is going through is different but yet it is similar to things I went through in my life.

Peter is going off to school. Loyola New Orleans. Really being on his own. Again not in control of the situation. Is he ready, did we do a good job ?

I am dating and Maryjo is just a wonderful lady, I am happy, but again not totally in control.

I am also in many ways not a patient person.

Here I am in Honduras and as we work I want to get going and move and get the task done. The pace is different, it can be slow. I want to get moving but im not in control of what is going on.

I am learning more to have faith in how the work will get done and be patient about how and when and who will do the work. I do not have to be in control and let it work out.

I realize back at home I do have to set the pace for some work and have to set the example and be in control of projects but not all the time. This goes for home life also.

So I feel God has put me here to learn to be a patient person and I do not have to be in control all the time.

I wanted to do something with my boys because in a way this was the last year we all lived together in the house. They are growing up. The trip was the one thing we could share.

What I have learned and have been shown is that they are fine and ready to go and I will be there to support them. I have seen my boys in a completely different light.

I can let go in some ways.

It is time for breakfast and prayer and off we go.

More later. Praye for all of us today for strength to get the work done.

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